Los efectos secundarios de los esteroides que debes conocer antes de tomarlos

Los efectos secundarios de los esteroides que debes conocer antes de tomarlos

Entre estos recursos heterodoxos se incluyen como uno entre tantos otros (esto es muy importante destacarlo) a las sustancias dopantes. Contrariamente a lo que se cree, el uso de esteroides en el deporte no comenzó en 1988 con Ben Jonson, son el resultado de más de un siglo de investigaciones sobre el control hormonal. Los primeros investigadores no intentaban mejorar el rendimiento deportivo, sino encontrar la fuente de la eterna juventud. El estrógeno libre calculado se correlacionó positivamente con el porcentaje total y la masa grasa del tronco, y el ratio estrógeno / testosterona se correlacionó positivamente con todas las medidas examinadas.

  • Realmente bueno, una pregunta soy hombre de 43 años y como de 80 kg de peso, quisiera emplear sustanon inyectado, nunca lo he hecho, estoy empezando rutinas de gim y quisiese entender si puedo hacerlo y si no seria muy arriesgado .
  • Usarlos en combinación con el ejercicio físico promueve el desarrollo de la fuerza física, así como la definición de grandes músculos.
  • A parte, la toxicidad de los medicamentos combinados siempre es mayor, aunque se elija la versión inyectable de los mismos.
  • El winstrol es uno de los esteroides anabolizantes más utilizados.
  • Es un biohack extremadamente caro en el mejor de los casos posibles, y aún así siempre hay riesgos.

Son medicamentos reales que funcionan, pero que también tienen efectos secundarios muy reales. Carlos Fernández Moriano, farmacéutico del Consejo General de Colegios Farmacéuticos, sostiene que no hay diferencia en cuanto a la vía de administración de estas sustancias. “La pastilla pasa por el hígado, llegando a intoxicarlo y sin https://sportandrecreationarticles.com/ absorber la dosis en su totalidad. Por otro lado, de forma inyectable, la absorción es completa. Sin embargo, en ambos casos puede provocar un fallo hepático”, afirma. Tomas unas semanas y se descansa, generalmente, para restablecer todos los valores hormonales del cuerpo previos al consumo de sustancias, y así sucesivamente.


Con esta serie de artículos, sino más bien dar información a fin de que aquellas personas que estén pensando en utilizarlos o los estén utilizando se hagan un concepto de lo que tienen la posibilidad de esperar de ellos. Consúltalo con tu médico, ten en cuenta que teniendo VIH tienes más riesgos de contraer infecciones y otras anomalías de la salud, por lo que en ningún caso deberías usar esteroides que no fueran bajo prescripción médica en farmacia y bajo control médico conveniente. Mi consejo es que aprendas lo más posible sobre nutrición, entrenamiento y salud.

  • Hasta principios de los años 90 del mismo siglo, fue empleado activamente por las mujeres en la práctica deportiva.
  • Aunque se produjo un efecto vigorizante temporal, no se aumentaba la esperanza de vida y el único efecto secundario importante era que se transmitía a los trasplantados la sífilis de los monos.
  • Los trabajos del Dr. Ziegler alcanzaron su punto álgido en 1959, cuando comenzó a examinar la influencia del dianabol en los levantadores de California.
  • Contrariamente a lo que se cree, el uso de esteroides en el deporte no comenzó en 1988 con Ben Jonson, son el resultado de más de un siglo de investigaciones sobre el control hormonal.
  • En un experimento que midió la cantidad de grasa corporal, la medida de la cintura y la relación entre la cintura y la cadera todas estas medidas bajaban al aumentar los niveles de testosterona en sangre y aumentaban al subir los niveles de estrógenos (hormonas femeninas).

Los riesgos reales tienen mucho que ver con lo que se denomina el ‘síndrome de la rana hervida’ una analogía que se usa para describir lo que nos ocurre cuando un problema avanza de manera tan lenta que sus daños se perciben como a largo plazo o incluso no percibirse. Al no haber consciencia del riesgo, no reaccionamos y cuando queremos hacerlo ya es tarde. Con el uso de esteroides a nivel de salud se produce un aumento de la tensión arterial, un aumento de la glucemia, la glucosa en sangre, y el otro sería el aumento del colesterol. El aumento de la glucosa nos apunta hacia la diabetes, el aumento de la tensión arterial y aumento del colesterol.


Hasta principios de los años 90 del mismo siglo, fue empleado activamente por las mujeres en la práctica deportiva. La situación de la nandrolona fue llamada de atención por los ensayos de Gusens y Heinonen. Sin embargo, debido a sus resultados consecutivos y reacciones adversas este fármaco fue sacado de la venta legal.

Resultados Consecutivos Del Empleo De Esteroides

La no comprensión de esto lleva a entrenadores inexpertos y carentes de formación a recomendar a atletas de pobre nivel a recurrir a sustancias dopantes extremadamente fuertes sin considerar los riesgos a medio y largo plazo. Sin lugar a dudas, muchos inconvenientes que suceden en la comunidad deportiva es a causa de la mala utilización de las sustancias dopantes o por la ignorancia acerca de los riesgos y las medidas de seguridad sobre la cual se utilizan estas sustancias. No obstante,  todo este bagaje de conocimiento no está al alcance de todos, este curso pretende ser aunque sea en parte, un canal de divulgación de esta información. Las investigaciones que se llevaron a cabo en la siguiente década indicaron que este producto sintetizado, que pertenecía a una clase de fármacos llamados esteroides, producía efectos anabólicos, como aumentar el tamaño y la fuerza musculares.

El consumo de anabolizantes conlleva una densa lista de efectos psicológicos. “La gente me decía algo y me ponía a llorar”, rememora Jaime sobre la trembolona, una de las sustancias más presentes, la cual no volvió a usar por esos malos viajes. La psicóloga Kimberly Ruggiero, experta en psicología sanitaria, confirma a este periódico que los anabolizantes afectan al eje hipotálamo-hipofisario, localizado en el sistema neuroendocrino.

Servicios Personalizados

Lo primero que hay que tener claro es que winstrol es un nombre comercial, no una hormona en sí. El esteroide incluido dentro del producto es el estanozolol, un elemento con propiedades similares a las de la testosterona (1). Analizaremos tu voz y te orientaremos en cuanto al tipo de entrenamiento que te permitirá recuperar un equilibrio vocal, expresivo, emocional e identitario. Algunas formas útiles de tratar este tipo de adicción son la terapia conductual y los medicamentos.

Germán mezcló durante ocho semanas Anadrol, el esteroide oral más eficaz, con Cipionato. Además 300 miligramos de Deca, dos pastillas los lunes, miércoles y jueves de GH y dos más de Sustanon, mezcla de diferentes testosteronas. “Frente a lo que muchos piensan no todo es pincharse, hay muchos que se toman en pastillas o jarabes”.

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- Expert Advisor -

Brandi Shotwell

Brandi Shotwell is a Principal at Reno Capital Management in Dallas, Texas concentrating on debt and equity. With over 20 years’ experience in finance and real estate, Brandi has had leadership involvement in over $1 billion in real estate projects ranging from commercial acquisitions to commercial development.  She has organized funding acquisitions and development opportunities for multifamily investors, high net worth individuals, municipal growth areas, and manufacturing clients. Prior to joining RCM, Brandi was Vice President at Edge Capital Markets in Dallas, Texas.  Preceding Edge, she was Vice President of Coronado Bay Capital where she was the top producing originator of the company.  Previously, she was a founding partner of Global Mortgage USA. Brandi attended Purdue University Northwest where she studied business and marketing.

- Expert Advisor -

Dugan Kelley, Real Estate & SEC Attorney

Dugan P. Kelley co-founded Kelley Clarke, PC with the mission to deliver big firm expertise and experience to the local community. Kelley Clarke currently serves clients throughout the United States with its principal offices in Prosper, Texas and Santa Barbara, California. Mr. Kelley chairs the firm’s securities and real estate practice group, assisting clients in all phases of multi-family, commercial, and residential acquisitions or sales. Throughout Mr. Kelley’s career, he has assisted clients in structuring real estate transactions in excess of $2 Billion. Currently, Mr. Kelley provides syndication and securities services for clients throughout the United States, assisting clients in all phases of their acquisition and sale of commercial and residential real-estate assets.

Mr. Kelley’s real estate expertise includes transactional services for his clients ranging from commercial loan closings, real estate private equity capital raises, joint venture agreements, commercial leasing, business acquisitions and general commercial real estate services for multi-family syndicators, investors, and developers.

Throughout Mr. Kelley’s 20 years of experience, he also has tried numerous cases in state and federal courts, administrative courts, and arbitration. With over $100 million in verdicts, settlements, workouts, and millions in settlements prior to trial, Mr. Kelley understands that there isn’t a one-solution fits all for every case. Mr. Kelley routinely advises real estate investors and other entrepreneurs about entity selection, corporate formation, risk assessment and other related transactional needs. Mr. Kelley also represents a number of companies and family businesses in providing advice and counsel in the capacity as outside general counsel.

Mr. Kelley was previously a partner with Cappello & Noel, one of the nation’s foremost complex commercial litigation firms, in Santa Barbara, California. While at Cappello, Mr. Kelley successfully prosecuted and defended major commercial litigation involving a variety of commercial matters including lender liability, contract and transactional disputes, and fraud. Prior to his tenure at Cappello, Mr. Kelley was a litigator at Bonne, Bridges, Mueller, O’Keefe & Nichols in Los Angeles where he successfully defended healthcare professionals and healthcare institutions involved in malpractice suits. Mr. Kelley’s practice also included defending employment claims against professionals and the County of Los Angeles. Prior to moving into the civil sector, Mr. Kelley successfully prosecuted criminal matters.

In addition, for several years, Mr. Kelley was an adjunct law professor teaching fundamental legal skills, legal research and writing, and moot court to law students in the Orange County area. From 2008 through 2016, Mr. Kelley has been selected as a “Super Lawyer Rising Star,” with only 2.5% of attorneys recognized as the best attorneys. Mr. Kelley routinely acts as a mediator for other attorneys or as settlement counsel for complex litigation matters that require a unique solution. Mr. Kelley is a best selling author of Purpose, Passion & Profit and is frequent speaker and lecturer at events. He also serves on a number of non-profit Boards, including Treasured Vessels Foundation, which has a purpose for ending human sex trafficking and providing shelter to those victims of human sex trafficking.

Mr. Kelley and his wife, Michelle have 3 boys. The entire Kelley family is actively involved in giving back to their local church and community.  Contact Kelley | Clarke to help you in your next transaction.

- Strategic Partner -

Brent Kawakami, PE

Brent is a real estate investor, entrepreneur, and a Registered Professional Engineer in the State of Texas with extensive experience in acquisitions and underwriting of properties in the multi-family arena.

Mr. Kawakami has been investing in Real Estate since 2012 where he focused on buying, rehabbing, and renting single family rentals in the Dallas, Texas area. In 2015, he began his transition from single family to multi-family where he has acquired over 450+ multi-family units across, Texas, Georgia, Kansas, and Ohio. His current focus is acquisitions and works closely with many syndicators to help vette and determine through critical analysis of underwriting and reviewing market factors to determine if a property is a go or no go for pursuing with a Letter of Intent. At the same time, he works with Sellers Brokers nationwide to help foster relationships for syndicators in key market areas.

As a result, of his experience and top-notch reputation, this has allowed him to become an integral team member of General Partnerships when underwriting private placement transactions for the syndicate team as well as providing transactional support through quantitative proforma models.

Mr. Kawakami graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering from the University of Texas in Austin. Mr. Kawakami is originally from Hawaii and currently resides in the DFW Metroplex. Brent also spent over 13+ years in the private sector where he worked as consultant engineer in the power/energy industry, working in various roles in design, construction, and project management. Brent has led numerous multi-million dollar projects and has been responsible for the development of over $1B in construction projects for such leading edge companies such as Oncor.

- Strategic Partner -

Mark Kenney

Mark Kenney is a seasoned real estate investor, entrepreneur and founder of Think Multifamily along with his wife Tamiel. Mr. Kenney started his real estate career over 20 years ago and has extensive experience in property valuation, acquisition, and operations. He has a passion for helping others succeed in the multi-family arena.

Mr. Kenney is invested in over 9,000+ units across 7 states and has a top-notch reputation among the multi-family investment community for providing exceptional value to investors and the community while being easy to work with.

Mr. Kenney is a 1993 graduate at Michigan State University in Accounting and advanced his career by becoming a CPA. Mark has also provided IT technical and business consulting for 20 years and is leveraging his vast IT experience to bring new creative technologies that will help others in the multi-family space. He has worked for large organizations such as KPMG Consulting, EDS, SAP, and HP; he founded Simplifying-IT in 2008 which provides IT services to fortune 500 companies.

- Managing Partner -

Karla Gonzales, FINRA Series 7, 50, 52 & 63

Karla is an entrepreneur, Real Estate Investor, and experienced Investment Banker and a Vice President with a well-known Wall Street investment banking firm. She currently is a Registered Representative with the following licenses through FINRA: Series 7, Series 50, Series 52, and Series 63. In the last six years, she has completed nearly 200 municipal bond financings totaling more than $4.0 billion.

As a result, of this experience and top-notch reputation, this has allowed her to become an integral team member of the General Partnership when underwriting private placement transactions for the syndicate team as well as providing transactional support through quantitative proforma models. Her skillset also allows her to be involved in preparing investor presentations, attending and presenting before potential clients, and fostering ongoing client relationships with multi-family investors.

Ms. Gonzales graduated Cum Laude with a Bachelor of Science in Finance from the University of Texas at Dallas. She is currently invested in single family and multi-family properties with over 900+ units in Texas, Georgia, Kansas, and North Carolina. Ms. Gonzales is originally from Michoacán, Mexico and is fluent in both English and Spanish helping to serve our Spanish speaking investors.

- Team Principal / Managing Partner -

Robert Gonzales, AIA, IIDA, LEED® AP BD+C


ob Gonzales, AIA, LEED® AP BD+C, is a Real Estate Developer for one of the top real estate firms in Dallas-Ft. Worth Metroplex where he develops and manages the infill of Class A+ luxury multifamily communities with first-class amenities in Dallas, San Antonio, Austin, Ft. Worth, Midland, Irving, Frisco, College Station, Mansfield, Leander, Colorado Springs, CO, Phoenix, AZ, and the Carolinas.

Mr. Gonzales is also an entrepreneur, real investor, and has over 16+ years of Project and Management experience as a Registered Architect, Registered Interior Designer, and Commercial General Contractor, including 11 years as a LEED® Accredited professional with a specialization in Building Design & Construction.  His experience includes work on over 80+ major vertical building projects and facilities valued at over $1.90 billion dollars.

Mr. Gonzales’ project experience, design background, graphics capability, and experience with multi-family commercial construction among other facilities allows him to be as asset providing cost-effective solutions during the due diligence period when collaborating with the General Partnership for decisions involving design challenges, rebranding, design, and constructability reviews. In addition, Mr. Gonzales helps provide transactional support to the General Partnership when underwriting private placement transactions for the syndicate team by keying on his skills that he gained earlier in his career by working as an Investment Banker and Registered Representative for a well-known Wall Street firm. 

Mr. Gonzales currently operates in the capacity of Team principal/General Partner and Asset Manager (i.e. Operator) on over 1,200+ units in 6 states across the southeast (i.e. Texas, Kansas, Georgia, Arkansas, North Carolina, and Florida) with a reputation among the multi-family investment community as having the ability to source deals, underwrite/analyze deals, be an effective Operator, Capital Raiser, and providing cost-effective design solutions, and focuses much of his time rebranding, and repositioning properties.

Mr. Gonzales received his Bachelor of Arts and Master of Architecture degree from Texas A&M University. He is currently invested in single family and multi-family properties while making his home in both Texas and Florida having lived in Austin, San Antonio, Houston, Tampa, and South Florida (including Weston, Ft. Lauderdale, and Miami), and now having recently returned back to Dallas in the past 5 years.